Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TrailSide Adventures: Bucket List Adventure 3-The Little Things

As an adventurer, challenges, and the finding of new challenges, is a standard of the game. Setting goals as an active outdoors enthusiast is not only important, but rewarding when checking each goal off the list. Summit a 14,000 foot peak, complete a 50 mile backpack, complete a 100 mile backpack, complete the PCT, climb the highest peaks on each continent, build a jet pack and summit the moon! From the attainable to the impossible, goals set and worked towards keep the outdoor spirit alive. I feel I'm not alone with the excitement and overwhelming jitters I get as a new adventure draws closer and closer. The bigger the goal, the more excitement I feel. However, as you read this and draw up the plans for your jet pack, let us wander off the large challenge trail, and focus on the little things.
In this installment of Bucket List Adventures, the big challenges are asleep in the tent, and the little things have taken the trail. 5 mini-bucket list items...we will call them Pint Glass Adventures, to give life in the outdoors a twinge of the fun, the goofy, and the memorable. So grab your pint, fill it up, and put your jet pack in the garage for another day.

Pint Glass Adventure 1- Sled or Board or Run or Roll a Sand Dune

Remember being a kid? Do you really? So long ago, but remember those big hills and the first thought that crossed your mind when on a big hill? As an adult, I see a big hill and say, “WHY? WHY do I have to go up, always up?” Yet as a child the reaction was much different. “YES! A hill to roll down!” And with this childhood glee, Pint Glass Adventure 1 comes to light. Grab your winter sled, grab your snowboard or skis, get ready to roll into an oblivion of dizziness and head to a sand dune. This thrill of flying down the sand is to much to pass up in this life. For a great place to go for such a great day of excitement just head to Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park, just south of Florence, Oregon. A great campground for kids, the park offers a playground, a lake, and many dunes that are vehicle free, making a day of sand sledding fun for all. A little more extreme, check out Sand Master Park in Florence, Oregon. Take sand boarding lessons, rent sand boards, and much more, Sand Master Park has a lot to offer.

Honeyman State Park:

Pint Glass Adventure 2-Grab a Anaheim Pepper and a Beer

Red solo cup, take a seat. This adventure is easy, and fun. Step 1, go to a store and buy large Anaheim peppers and beer. I prefer Pabst for this, but your tastes, your choice.
Step 2, go to a relaxing yet festive outdoor local, maybe the beach, or the river. Step 3, cut top off pepper, hollow out pepper. Step 4, open beer and poor into pepper. Step 5, drink! While not seemingly much of an adventure, there is something just plain fun about drinking beer our of a pepper. And for the really brave, try jalapenos and tequila! And for the extreme, moonshine out of a chipmunk!

Pint Glass Adventure 3-Night Hike with the Moon

Nothing can be as thrilling as a good night hike, especially when done with only the light of the
moon. The bright light and dark shadows, the different sounds of the night, and the ever present threat of a bigfoot attack make a night hike a must do. Some suggestions: Hike under a full or almost full moon. Shouldn't have to be said, but a sliver doesn't provide much light, and using a headlamp just isn't the same. Also, find a place that is open. The Oregon Coast, unless on the beach, is not the best for this. The high dessert though, or the high Cascades, is perfect. And last, stick to a well defined trail. Don't get lost in the dark! Also use this opportunity to sleep under the night sky. No tent, no problem.

Pint Glass Adventure 4-Crawdad (Crayfish) Catch and Feast

Planning is imperative here, but a day of catching crawdads is fun for the whole family. Find a good creek, walk in and catch the little guys without getting pinched. Cook them up, eat with a sauce of butter, garlic, and lemon.
The planning. First find a place with a hefty population of crawdads. Drift Creek Wilderness, accessible from both Newport and Waldport, Oregon, is an outstanding location for crawdadding (crayfishing?). The under 4 mile trip in can make for either a long day trip or a great overnight backpack.
Catching the crawdad is another aspect plan for. To catch, find one in the water, and be ready to move fast. These critters swim at an impressive speed, launching themselves with their lobster-like tails. However, when ready for the catch the technique is to use pointer finger and thumb and pinch the crawdad right behind the pincher legs. They can't get you from here. Have a container of water to put them in. The rest is like crab or lobster. Boil until bright red and enjoy. And one last word of advice, bring some other food. You will never fill up on crawdad tails. Oh yeah, did I mention, only eat the tail meat!

Pint Glass Adventure 5-Jump off a Cliff

Okay, this is not one I do anymore, but jumping off a cliff and landing in the waters below is an experience everyone should feel once. Just be careful. Check for rocks under the surface, don't jump from too high unless you are experienced, and have a buddy around just in case. Then, jump. Many areas have good cliffs, and for a beginner jumper I would suggest a height of 10-20 feet. May not seem like much, but that will change once you are on the cliff and ready to jump. Also, remember to land correct. Feet first!!! You only belly flop once from a cliff jump.
The exhilaration you get from jumping is comparable to nothing, and you will remember the experience for the rest of your life.
Thirst for Adrenaline ( has a great section on cliff diving locations in Oregon. So find your cliff and have blast!

Thirst for Adrenaline, Cliff Diving/ Cliff Jumping:

5 smaller adventures and fun things to do. Remember, while the larger goals are great, always take time for the little things.

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